Where is the reality and science in SCOTUS’ SFFA v Harvard decision?

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) June 29, 2023, affirmative action ruling in SFFA v Harvard lacks a scientific or rational foundation. Today, my professional association, the American Psychological Association (APA), rightly denounced the Supreme Court decision ending the right to consider race in college admissions.” #APA had filed a comprehensive, science-based amicus…

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3 career strategies for bouncing back after a layoff

I’ve coached many people after they had been laid off. Most go through stages one can liken to the stages of grief, and each person’s timeline to “recovery” is different. I remind my clients that their negative emotions are normal. I encourage them to take a little break to re-energize if they can. If they…

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How to get past the underestimation of your potential that can hinder career progression for women (and people of color)

Women and minoritized employees still fight against the perception that they are less suited to leadership than men. But, according to the research, one barrier to their progress is that men are more likely than women to be promoted on potential versus actual performance. Research shows that women get lower leadership potential ratings than men,…

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How Black women are pushing back against natural hair discrimination disguised as “professionalism”

“Professionalism” is a term often misused in business life, and it works to the disadvantage of employees and candidates whose physical characteristics do not match those in power. Throughout my decades-long career in corporate life, I often heard leaders use the word “professionalism” to describe people they admired and whose careers they wanted to support.…

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Don’t make your employees work with toxic clients

Toxic clients exist, and putting them first (i.e., the customer is always right) is a mistake, especially if your employees will have to suffer to deal with them. Toxic clients don’t always show their true colors before the deal is signed, so sometimes, a service provider walks into an unexpected hornet’s nest of toxicity. Once…

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Why “quiet hired” is terrible for women and people of color

Just when we thought we had heard enough of the newfangled workplace phenomena that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic, here comes another: “quiet hiring!” Like last year’s omnipresent “quiet quitting,” this term is nothing new. Quiet hiring refers to the phenomenon in which employers get the skills they need by adding new responsibilities or…

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