The Multifaceted Nature of Respect in the Melting Pot Of the American Workplace

The word respect has its origins in the Latin term respectus, which means “regard,” “consideration,” or “looking back.” It comes from the verb respicere (meaning “back” or “again”) and specere (meaning “to look” or “to see”). Thus, the literal meaning of respect in its Latin roots is “to look back at” or “to regard carefully.”
Respect is universally valued because it is essential for human connection and societal functioning. However, to fully honor and practice respect in our diverse workplaces, we should recognize that it is even more significant in some cultures than others.
Respect is Universally Valued, With Cultural Nuances
Respect is valued because it’s fundamental to building positive relationships and social harmony. It is challenging to achieve community when respect is missing. Respect also enables the trust and mutual understanding we all need to collaborate to achieve shared goals. However, some cultures place a greater emphasis on respect than others. For example, in collectivist cultures (e.g., many African, Asian, and Indigenous cultures), respect is a foundation for adherence to traditions and communal harmony. By contrast, in individualistic cultures (e.g., the United States and much of Western Europe), respect is tied to recognizing achievements, autonomy, and personal boundaries.
The United States – A melting pot of cultural difference
According to US Census data, bout 30% of the United States population is comprised of Indigenous Americans (about 1.3% who identify as 100% American Indian or Alaska Native), U.S.-born descendants of enslaved Africans (about 14%), and foreign-born immigrants (about 14% of the population). The remaining 70%, regardless of race or ethnicity, are either descendants of those who came to America and established the independent nation or descendants of immigrants. As of April 2024, the foreign-born population of the United States was about 14%
According to the Pew Research Center, between 1840 and 1889, about 90% of U.S. immigrants came from Europe, primarily Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Between 1890 and 1919, nearly 60% of immigrants arrived from Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia-Poland. More recently, immigrants have come from Asia and Latin America.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates, the foreign-born population in the United States is approximately 45.3 million, accounting for about 13.7% of the total U.S. population. The distribution of the foreign-born population by region of birth is as follows:
- Latin America and the Caribbean: Approximately 50.2%
- Asia: Approximately 31.2%
- Europe: Approximately 10.8%
- Africa: Approximately 5.2%
- Other regions: Approximately 2.6%
The US foreign-born population comes from diverse origins. Still, given the country’s unique history of colonization, slavery, and immigration since its inception, it is helpful to think of the entire US population as diverse. Most Americans view the country’s diversity as a positive. America’s diverse cultural heritage fosters innovation and creativity, as reflected in its art, music, fashion, and food. However, it also means that employees are likely to have varying expectations about the value of respect.
Some Americans will likely place more emphasis on respect than others because of these differences.
Respect is a big deal to employees from underrepresented and marginalized groups
Research suggests that respect is perceived differently by various racial and ethnic groups and that a broader definition of respect could improve inclusion efforts. The majority group often equates respect with positive interpersonal interactions and values being liked. In contrast, underrepresented groups, particularly Black Americans, define respect more broadly. Black Americans also prioritize being respected over being liked and are heightened in their awareness of disrespectful behavior and the inequitable distribution of respect.
Respect is a fundamental human need that can foster collaboration and trust and support business goals. However, leaders should be aware that its significance varies across cultures. Employees from marginalized and underrepresented groups particularly value respect. On the other hand, some people with whom they interact may value and offer respect less than they expect to receive it.
Therefore, promoting a respectful workplace where all employees give and receive respect means that no employee will be disappointed because all employees will feel comfortable interacting with the business ecosystem.